Wednesday, December 5, 2012

What You Eat

Most people realize that what they eat affects their bodies and how healthy they are.  However, many people don't always realize that their children are watching what they eat - and imitating it even when they aren't at home.  If a parent consistently eats healthy foods, the child is more likely to choose healthy foods when given the option at school or in other settings (Brown & Ogden, 2004).

Furthermore, children are more likely to enjoy certain flavors in food if their parents like them, and they are much more likely to dislike a certain flavor if their parents do not like it (Wrotniak et al., 2005).  I have seen this in my own life; I do not like the taste of seafood, merely because my mom doesn't like it, so I never ate it as I grew up.

If a child and a parent are both trying to lose weight, the child is much more likely to be successful if the parent is as well (Wrotniak et al., 2005).  So if you have a child who wants to become healthier and lose a few pounds, the best way to help that child is to help yourself become healthier in the process!  Choose more fruits and vegetables at snacktime or at the dinner table, and encourage healthy eating.

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